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Sydney has a masterful way of working with people. She is personable right off the get go and young or old feel right at home with her (I witnessed it as a Family Nurse Practitioner (FNP) Student Colleague with her 21 years ago)! Now as a FNP going through a career transition, she has assisted me with utilizing tools to really change my thoughts (not just positive thinking) but creating new thought patterns to take the place of thoughts that will be there in the future. Having worked with other coaches from renowned organizations, Sydney is definitely setting the bar high and doing her own personal work all the time as well. It has been great to be working with someone who is in the profession as she has the experience to know the issues that health professionals face. 

Christine B. DNP, FNP, RN

Sydney Allen is a life coach specializing in assisting health care professionals to survive and thrive in today’s complex health care delivery systems.  In a few short months, she has assisted me to redirect my energies and focus on the positive, controllable aspects of my daily and long term career choices. 
Like many health care professionals, I have strongly considered giving up my licensure and seeking other professional choices. Without Sydney’s help, I may not have survived the multiple obstacles that have plagued my career in the past few years. 
Sydney’s common sense, step by step Martha Beck-based coaching, combined with her practical years of experience as a health care provider is a fit made in heaven.  She is compassionate, focused and always right on with her guidance. 
If you are suffering from burn out, compassion fatigue,  considering a career choice or needing better coping skills as a health care provider, contact Sydney ASAP for a STAT consult. It will be the best decision you have ever made. 

Bruce Eastman FNP, MSN, RN 

My work with Sydney has been life changing! In the short time I have worked with her, I have learned to turn negative thoughts around into better serving thoughts.This has allowed me to manage my stress in a much more productive manner. Sydney is positive, encouraging and incredibly supportive. She came into my life at the perfect time. I feel so lucky to have found her!


Page G.- Nursing Student

Sydney has been nothing short of a Godsend. She came into my life at a time when I was struggling with burnout and debilitating anxiety. A lifetime of taking care of, managing, and fixing problems for everyone around me, while ignoring my own body and spirit, had brought me to the brink of a breakdown. With her guidance I have learned to set boundaries... for myself as much as for others. I have learned to listen to my body and let it guide me to what I need. Rather than trying to white-knuckle my way through my fears, and will-power my way past my weaknesses I have learned to listen to, evaluate, accept, and work with all the facets of myself. This process has given me profound relief from negative self talk. My life still has challenges, but I'm facing those challenges with a renewed sense of self. Sydney has walked beside, teacher and friend, as I have at long last begun the journey of truly loving, taking care of, and nurturing… me.


Christina Moore, 33 year old wife, mother, & homemaker

I just had a great session with my coach, Sydney Allen, where she used a metaphor tool with me which helped me tremendously with my anxiety.  She asked me to describe something that has been a concern for me for many years.  With her helpful, kind, intelligent coaching, she led me down pathways I could have never imagined.  As I went through the process, I felt myself ease up on how I was distorting my fearful thoughts and replace those thoughts with much clearer, more rational thinking.  I'm going to carry that new thought with me throughout my day, my week, and hopefully - my life.  Thanks, Coach Sydney.  This could be a game changer.  


Cindy E.

Life Coaching has impacted my life in such a positive way! In such a short amount of time I have learned how to control my thoughts and not let my own negative self-talk pull me down.  It’s amazing how your own thoughts can hold you back!  Sydney has helped me overcome obsessive thoughts about many fears that have been embedded in my everyday thinking.  My anxiety is much better controlled and I overall feel happier.  What I love about Sydney is she is nonjudgmental.  It can be scary telling someone your thoughts because you don’t want to look like a bad person.  She helps you realize they are just thoughts and not who you are.  She makes it easy to open up and truly wants to help!

Kim P. - Business person, mother, step-parent.

Sydney is a motivating and impactful life coach.  There’s an old adage that you can’t expect different results by doing the same things.  Sydney helped me to make behavior changes over time and look beyond the day to day to focus on longer-term goals.  Her mix of exercises, insightful questions and suggestions are an effective combination.  And her style and tone are great:  warm, kind and understanding, but with helpful nudges.


Kevin C.

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